

GATE Biotechnology Books

 GATE Biotechnology Books

Gate Biotechnology books
This year the GATE Exam 2021 is going to conduct by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay. This year the syllabus for exam papers got some changes. The Exam dates have been released. Application Form for the GATE 2021 has released in 11th September. The mode of exam will be CBT (Computer Based Test) as usual. Syllabus for all the subjects have been revised this year.

                 The candidate who want to clear the GATE exam in a top rank have to go through deeply from these books to understand the topic. These reference books help to know more about the topics. Candidates have to practice the mock tests which will help to improve the candidate performance.

Best Books for GATE Exam Biotechnology;

Reference Books:                

Topics Name of the Books Author
Engineering Mathematics NCERT Books and Pathfinder publication
Microbiology Prescott Microbiology Joanne Willey, Kathleen Sandman, Dorothy wood, Christopher.j
Biochemistry Lehninger Principles of biochemistry Christopher K. Matthews, Michael M. Cox, Nelson
Molecular Biology and Genetics Principle of Genetics Eldon John Gardner, Simmons, Snustad.
Process Biotechnology Principles of Fermentation Technology Peter Stanbury, Alan Whitaker and Steve Hall
Bioinformatics Introduction to Bioinformatics M Lesk
Bioprocess Engineering Bioprocess engineering Basic Concepts Shuler & Kargi
Animal Biotechnology Culture of Animal Cells R.lan Freshney
Plant biotechnology Plant Biotechnology B.D.Singh
Cell biology Molecular Biology of Cell Bruce Alberts
Immunology Kuby Immunology Punt, Stranford, Jones, Owen
rDNA Technology Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis T.A.Brown
Analytical Techniques Principles and Techniques of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Wilson and Walker

GATE Exam Preparation Tips:

·        The Candidates can start study from the easiest topic of they think, this helps the candidate to avoid negativity in the Beginning of preparation.

·        Study with the best reference book as mentioned above.

·        Just try to cover those topics which is easier for you, don’t plan to cover the easier one in the end.

·        Make your own schedule and plan to complete the topics in a short time, after that revise the same topic when ever you got time.

·        Make mnemonics for the important topics, these mnemonics will help you to remember that topics easily.

·        Try to make short notes whenever you study, prepare your own notes from your study. You can use that notes later for the revision of that topic.

·        Candidates can use the NPTEL courses offered by IITs to understand the topic detailly, the courses are free to all.

·        Make sure that you have covered the Important topics detailly, finish those topics earlier of your preparation time so that you can revise it later.

·        Refer the previous year GATE exam question papers and try to answer the question by yourself.

·        Coaching class or Study with the help of guide can help this.

·        Attend the online and offline mock tests to check the level of your preparation and improve it.

·        Be sure that you are covering the General aptitude and Engineering Mathematics to get the overall good score.

·        Study with full concentration to clear the exam in the top rank.

                      - All the best to all the GATE Exam Candidates

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